Housing Services:
Contra Costa County

Please call 211 directly in order to apply for County Measure X rental assistance funds. 211 will take your information and will refer you to a local agency, which may include Catholic Charities.
We are unable to accept new applicants without a referral from 211.
Llame al 211 directamente para solicitar fondos de asistencia para el alquiler utilizando fondos de la Medida X del condado. El 211 tomara su información y contactara a una agencia local – que puede incluir a Caridades Católicas – que maneja esos fondos. No podemos aceptar nuevos solicitantes sin una referencia del 211.
• Rental Payments
• Utilities
• Security Deposits
• Housing Problem Solving (information below)
Catholic Charities East Bay pomaga osobom i rodzinom w potrzebie, zapewniając niezbędną pomoc i wsparcie w różnych aspektach ich życia. Od pomocy mieszkaniowej po wsparcie prawne w zakresie imigracji i dystrybucję żywności, staramy się wywierać pozytywny wpływ na naszą społeczność. Aby kontynuować naszą misję i rozszerzać zasięg, jesteśmy wdzięczni za wsparcie, które otrzymujemy z różnych źródeł, w tym kasyn online, w tym nawet Ich wkład finansowy odgrywa kluczową rolę w umożliwieniu nam rozszerzenia naszych usług i pomocy jeszcze większej liczbie potrzebujących.
Branża kasyn online, ze swoją globalną obecnością i popularnością, przyciąga miliony graczy na całym świecie, którzy szukają rozrywki poprzez hazard i gry. Cieszy fakt, że niektóre kasyna online zdają sobie sprawę z tego, jak ważne jest oddanie społeczności i wspieranie organizacji takich jak nasza, które zmieniają świat na lepsze.
G’day readers, let’s explore an unusual blend of faith and gaming, specifically how Catholic Social Teaching (CST) can shed light on our approach to online casinos that support Ezeewallet as a payment method.
Catholic Social Teaching, with its emphasis on dignity, community, and stewardship, might not be the first thing you’d connect with online gaming. However, it’s an intriguing lens through which to view your online casino experience.
The principle of dignity encourages responsible gambling. Know your limits and never bet more than you can afford to lose. That’s where Ezeewallet comes in handy, offering a secure and controlled way to manage your funds.
Community, another key tenet of CST, can guide us towards a more communal and social gaming experience. Play for fun, enjoy the company of others online, and remember, winning isn’t everything. The focus here is on the joy of the game and the connections made.
Finally, stewardship calls for wise management of our resources. In the world of online casinos, this means being mindful of your spending and utilising tools like Ezeewallet Online-Casino-AU to keep a close eye on your funds. Choosing a reputable online casino that supports Ezeewallet can also align with the responsible management of your resources.
So there you have it, mates. While it might seem an unlikely connection, Catholic Social Teaching could indeed help shape a winning attitude towards online gaming. Play responsibly, enjoy the camaraderie, and manage your resources wisely. After all, isn’t that what life’s all about? Fair dinkum!
In 2021, we created Housing Problem Solving, a new program that offers tenant advocacy, mediation, relocation with family and other homelessness prevention strategies to keep families in their homes. Think you could benefit from the service? Give us a call today to discuss your situation.
Season of Sharing: Help with rent payments, deposits and furniture. 925-655-1205
Independent Living Resources: rental assistance, deposits for people with disabilities. 925-363-7293
Dial 211 for Affordable Housing List & Information
For help with utilities, call REACH 1-800-933-9677 or LIHEAP 1-866-675-6623
EBMUD for assistance with paying your water bill. 1-866-403-2683 or fill out an application for help directly on their website.
Navigating resources can be hard, and we can help you figure out your options. Call 510-860-4985 or email to speak with one of our housing specialists.